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The Confederates never bombarded the White House, but during the Lincolns’ tenure things were pretty wild there anyway.

Now, drawing on primary archival documents never before published, best-selling author Kevin Orlin Johnson brings us the true story of those most misunderstood, most misrepresented years in American history.

Frauds, Suicides, and Naked Floating Corpses!

Insanity and Malfeasance in the White House!

Dead Rats and Typhoid in the Executive Mansion!

Who Really Took the Missing Diamonds?

Why the Republican Party Consistently Ignored the President!

The Solferino Scandal: Americans’ Irrational Fear of Dinnerware!

How Did Honest Abe Manage to Avoid Paying for Anything?

Why Lincoln Studies Gets Everything So Wrong All the Time

and, at last, a much-needed explanation of

How Abraham Lincoln Got His Slaves and Why He Sold Them. 

The Lincolns in the White House

SKU: ISBN 0-9653660-5-7
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